Children under 12 need to be safely secured in a car seat to prevent injuries, or even death, in the event of a crash. In 2019, more than 600 children 12 and younger died in motor vehicle crashes nationwide. More than 91,000 were injured. At least 38 percent were not buckled properly. It is important to choose and use the right car seat correctly every time your child is in the car.
The following are tips to help you keep your children safe on the road. We hope it will help you and your family.
1. Become familiar with your child safety seat.
Read the instructions and learn how to use your safety seat to make sure your kids are protected. Make sure your car seat has all of its parts. It has never been in a moderate or severe crash. And make sure it does not have any recalls.
2. Call your local sheriff and ask if they have safety technicians.
Your local sheriff’s office should have someone who can look at your safety seat and make sure it is fit to protect your kids and meets safety standards.
3. Go to your local fire station.
Before you use your child safety seat, think about bringing it to a fire station. Like a sheriff’s office, some fire-fighters are trained to look at your safety seat and make sure it meets the legal safety standards. If you are in the New Orleans area, call 504-658-4700 and ask if anyone is certified and ask when that person will be at work so you can go in and see them.
4. Follow the car seat checklist.
Safe Kids worldwide made a car seat checklist that you can use at home. You can find it here.
This list is meant to be a helpful guide. Please do not rely on it alone to make sure your children are safe. Talk to your local safety seat technicians and follow their advice. It is not enough to simply buckle up your children. You must do it the right way to make sure they are as safe as possible.
We never want to see anyone hurt in a car crash. If you or a loved one has been hurt in an accident, personal injury lawyers at Stag Liuzza may be able to help. Call us for a free consultation.