In a groundbreaking settlement agreement on June 2nd, industry titans Chemours, DuPont, and Corteva committed to fund $1.19 billion to resolve litigation filed by municipal water systems. This settlement aims to address the pervasive issue of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in public drinking water systems across the United States.

A Collective Commitment

Municipal water utilities around the country sued DuPont and other manufacturers of PFAS. DuPont and its related companies agreed to a settlement. With this settlement, these chemical companies appear to collectively take responsibility for the presence of PFAS in the nation’s drinking water. However, more than 10 other defendants refuse to settle and continue litigation. PFAS, often referred to as ‘forever chemicals,’ are associated with adverse health effects, including liver damage, developmental issues, reduced immune function, and cancer. Accordingly, their persistence in the human body and the environment is a growing concern.

Establishment of a Dedicated Fund

The $1.19 billion will be used to create a dedicated fund for the removal of PFAS from public drinking water systems. Moreover, municipalities and communities can access this fund to comprehensively evaluate for and eliminate PFAS contamination, ensuring safer drinking water for residents across the country.

Alignment with EPA Guidelines

This landmark agreement aligns with guidelines set up by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA recognizes the urgency of addressing PFAS contamination in drinking water and is actively working to establish regulatory standards and guidelines for safe PFAS levels in drinking water.

Paving the Way for a Safer Future

Trial lawyers and their clients worked for more than a decade to bring about this resolution. The commitment made by Chemours, DuPont, and Corteva signifies a significant stride toward creating a safer and healthier future. The removal of PFAS from public water supplies is paramount to protecting public health and preserving the environment. Therefore, we recommend public water providers hire experienced lawyers to aid with these legal issues and secure settlement money.

In conclusion, this agreement sends a resounding message that industry leaders are accounting for their liability by taking initiative-taking measures to rectify widespread contamination of our public water systems. The impact of this settlement will be felt in countless communities across the United States, where residents can expect cleaner, safer, and PFAS-free drinking water.

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After reviewing your medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages, we can help you understand what your case is worth and plan a road map going forward.

$1.056 billion verdict against Exxon Mobil

If you think you may have a claim and need legal help to hold those parties responsible for damage that they have caused, contact an attorney from our firm.

Stag Liuzza fights industry giants across the country and holds them accountable for their actions. We strive to ensure that communities have access to safe drinking water, clean air, and a healthy environment. is operated and provided by Stag Liuzza, LLC responsible attorneys Michael G. Stag and Ashley M. Liuzza. Stag Liuzza, LLC is officed in New Orleans, LA, and our attorneys are licensed in Louisiana and Mississippi.

Nothing on this site should be taken to establish an attorney-client relationship with us unless and until a contract for representation is signed. The attorneys of Stag Liuzza are licensed in Louisiana and Mississippi and may associate counsel licensed in other jurisdictions as necessary.

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